Articles Education

Why Participate – Vocab-T

Blog 239  Jun19 2021 ©AofDNews All rights reserved

How do you get students to learn new vocabulary without them knowing they are?
You design a PE shirt that everyone wears for PE and have print them. They print a variety of Vocabulary words on the back of the shirt. So your students are exposed to these words everyday. And the words are found in theif writings!

Think about actually going beyond Physical Education. What if everyone in ASB or different Clubs in school, had similar shirts and had vocab on the back. The students would be exposed to multiple times as many words throughout the day.

What fun this would be. Maybe I will do something when I order my shirts for my photography business.

Take a look for yourself This idea is awesome!


By Jeanette Photo

Wife , Mother, Grandmother, Photographic Artist, God Fearing American